Redwood Capital (RWC) are a Czech investment company focused on the provision of exclusive management of investments for a select group of long-term partners. Because of the limited number of partners, and their stable risk profiles, Redwood Capital are provided with an uncommon degree of freedom in selecting the type, size, development stage, and investment horizon for the completion of projects, in addition to the capability to respond swiftly to market opportunities.
The company’s objective is to create and continuously expand the value of the companies in its portfolio. In some cases, this expansion can be achieved though fundamental strategic shifts, whereas in other cases, it may be possible through extensive organizational and process restructuring; or merely by financial optimization and growth funding.
Throughout its history RWC has invested in projects ranging from start-ups, through to private equity, and to restructuring in a wide spectrum of business fields. RWC initially started with energy, but then diversified through to property and machinery, and to modern bio and IT technologies. With no limitations to the investment interests, it is possible to identify common traits with all completed investments.
In the majority of its projects, RWC applies a hands-on approach and actively participates in the investment management. Although there is no clearly defined investment horizon, a real exit scenario is a necessary condition for an investment to take place. Geographically, we focus on the Czech Republic, but we are pursuing some form of a universally valid competitive advantage or a unique market situation.
EC Jindřichův Hradec
EC Jindřichův Hradec
Year of investment: 2006
Year of Exit: 2009
Industry: Energy
Stav projektu: Prodaný
Web: www.ecjh.cz
Year of investment: 2017
Year of Exit: 2024
Industry: sport/retail
stav projektu: Prodaný
Web: www.simplerent.cz
Auxilien Energy
Auxilien Energy
Year of investment: 2016
Year of Exit: 2023
Industry: Energy
Status: Realised
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.